Friday, 19 June 2015

Warning Signs You May Have Bacterial Vaginosis

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

Some women have bacterial vaginosis and don’t have any symptoms. But when symptoms do appear, they may include:

Vaginal discharge that may be white or gray in color
Discharge with a strong, foul odor
Vaginal odor that is particularly strong, with a fishy smell after s.ex
Vaginal itchiness
Painful or burning urination
Bacterial Vaginosis Risk Factors and Complications

Having se.x with someone who has bacterial vaginosis, as well as having multiple se.x partners or new s.ex partners, can put you at risk for the infection, says Shuford. Douching can also increase the risk, as it disrupts the balance of bacteria in the vagin.a.

The complications and health risks of bacterial vaginosis can be serious if the infection isn’t treated. Untreated vaginosis can lead to:

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID is an inflammation of the female reproductive system, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, and even the ovaries. Shuford notes that PID can lead to a number of complications, including infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
Pregnancy complications. Pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis may be at a higher risk for having low birth-weight babies, says Shuford, as well as premature rupture of the membranes (your water breaks too early).
Greater risk of other se.xually transmitted infection. Women who have bacterial vaginosis are at greater risk of getting HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
Increased risk of infection. Women who have bacterial vaginosis may be more likely to develop an infection after surgeries affecting the reproductive system, such as a hysterectomy or abortion.
Bacterial Vaginosis: Screening, Treatment, and Prevention

Bacterial vaginosis is easily diagnosed using a sample of vagina.l fluid, and is treated with a simple round of antibiotics. Antibiotics may be given orally, or in the form of a topical cream or ointment inserted in the vagin.a, notes Shuford.

Bacterial vaginosis can recur, even after antibiotic treatment. It’s important to make sure you take all of the antibiotics as prescribed. And while it can’t always be prevented, you can reduce your risk of bacterial vaginosis and of spreading the infection by being in a monogamous relationship, as well as by using c.ondoms. Avoid douching to help keep bacteria balanced in the vagin.a and reduce the risk of bacterial vaginosis.

Good hygiene can help prevent bacterial vaginosis. Wash the and vagin.a every day, and wip from front to back after urination or defecation. Wear cotton underwear and pants that fit loosely in the c.rotch to allow air flow and prevent moist conditions that can encourage infection.

Bacterial vaginosis is a very common infection, but some simple preventive steps can help reduce your risk. And women who do experience symptoms should remember to seek treatment right away to prevent unnecessary health problems caused by untreated bacterial vaginosis.


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