Friday, 19 June 2015

10 Warning Signs You May have Fibroids

What Are Fibroids?

Fibroids are abnormal growths that develop in or on a woman’s uterus. Sometimes, these tumors become quite large and cause severe abdominal pain and heavy periods. In other cases, they cause no signs or symptoms at all. The growths are typically benign (non-cancerous). The cause of fibroids is unknown.

In this article, we will be looking at the risk factors and 10 warning signs that you may have fibroids. Such signs are usually ignored by women.

Risk factors

Age: age is an important risk factor. In blacks and Africans, fibroids may develop at a much younger age and symptoms may be seen in these women in their early twenties. However, most fibroids shrink after menopause.

Nulliparity: women who have never been pregnant have an increased risk of developing uterine fibroids.

Family history: fibroids tend to run in families and women with their mothers or first-degree relatives who had fibroids are more likely to develop uterine fibroids than women with no such history.

Race: fibroid is more common in African women than in Asians and Caucasians.

Obesity: women who are obese have a higher risk of developing uterine fibroids

Having looked at the risk factors of fibroids, let’s now look at the warning signs which indicates its possibilities..

1. Heavy vaginal bleeding
Most women suffering from fibroid usually have heavy vaginal bleeding which may be related to menstruation or occur before the onset of the next menses (Intermenstrual bleeding). In fact, it is one of the most troubling sign of fibroid which can interfere significantly with quality of life. If your menstruation is excessively heavy or prolonged and it comes out with blood clots and you are using more sanitary pads than usual, then it is advisable to consult your physician who will evaluate you adequately. Heavy vaginal bleeding is an important cause of anemia in women because of blood loss and iron depletion. Symptoms of anemia include; pallor, generalized body weakness, fatigue and shortness of breath.

2. Infertility
In this part of the world, nothing strains marriage like infertility. Although the role of fibroid and infertility is controversial numerous researches and clinical evidences have shown that fibroids are a leading cause of infertility. Fibroids can obstruct the passage of the fertilized egg from the fallopian tubes into the uterus where implantation occurs and also distorts the normal anatomy of the uterus. If you have been married and having frequent unprotected sexual intercourse with your husband without any pregnancy, you should be evaluated for uterine fibroids.

3. Recurrent Miscarriages
Miscarriages also known as spontaneous pregnancy loss occurs frequently in women with fibroid. Fibroids in the uterine cavity occupy space meant for the developing fetus. It affects the growth of the fetus and may induce miscarriage. Several conditions can cause recurrent miscarriages, but it is a sign that you may be having a fibroid.

4. Lower Abdominal Swelling/ Mass
I have heard women complaining of swelling/ mass located in the lower part of their abdomen. Some women have mistaken such swelling for a growing baby. Funny enough, such growth never results in pregnancy and may persist for years. Only large fibroids present as an abdominal mass. Any abdominal swelling/ mass are abnormal and you must consult your physician without any delay.

5. Frequent and Painful urination
The uterus and the bladder lie in close proximity and the presence of fibroids in the uterus often irritates the bladder prompting painful and frequent urination. This symptom is commonly attributed to urinary tract infection (UTI) with antibiotics as the first line of treatment. However, if you have been treated repeatedly with antibiotics without any improvement in symptoms, then further evaluation is needed as fibroids can also cause such discomforting symptoms.

6. Constipation
This may sound untrue, but many women with trivial complaint of recurrent constipation despite adequate treatment are later diagnosed with fibroid after extensive evaluation and investigation. Large fibroids in the womb may compress on the rectum causing constipation.

7. Abdominal/ Low back pains
Abdominal and low back pain is a usual but important key sign that you may have fibroid. It is usually described as a dull aching pain that may be persistent in nature. Pain is a significant symptom caused by the compression of nerves and organs by the fibroids. Severe abdominal pain can also occur when the size of the fibroid exceeds in blood supply leading to degeneration of the fibroid.

8. Swelling of the legs
Although a rare sign of fibroids, swelling of the legs is caused by the compression of the lymphatic vessels that drains the legs. When this occurs, lymph accumulates in the tissues of the legs causing edema. It is usually accompanied by pain from the distension of the tissues of the legs.

9. Varicose veins
Varicose veins may also be a sign that you have fibroid. This is the distension of the superficial veins of the legs caused by the compression of pelvic veins by uterine fibroids.

10. Painful sexual intercourse
Sex should be pleasurable to the woman, but the presence of uterine fibroid can make sex painful and discomforting. Large fibroids located in the lower segment of the uterus may impede sexual intercourse from severe lower abdominal pain. Women suffering from protracted painful sexual intercourse should have an abdominal ultrasound scan to ascertain the presence of uterine fibroids.

Women with fibroids can present with different symptoms, but proper diagnosis is only possible after an evaluation by the doctor. If you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed above, then it is important that you consult your physician.


The Reason Why You Should Never Drink Iced Water

Probably happened to you on occasion while you’re eating out and order a glass of water without ice and the waiter looks at you like you’re crazy. It often happens to me, I always drink water without ice and I think that I’m not crazy.

Cold water closes our bodies’ pores and constricts our skin, while warm water opens our body pores and makes our skin feel looser. Same happen with your digestive tract when you drink iced water.

The differences between drinking cold water and drinking warm water

What happens to your body when you drink cold water:
– Blood vessels are shrinking
– Digestive system becomes restricted
– Hydration is hindered
– Body is trying to regulate your body temperature instead of creating energy throw digesting the food and absorbing the nutrients
– Drinking cold water leads to easier catching of cold and illness because it decreases the function of the immune system which is caused by the creation of excess mucus in the body due to drinking cold water after the meal.
– Drinking cold water while you are eating or immediately after, the temperature of the water solidifies the fats from the eaten food and makes harder for the digestive system to digest the unwanted fats from the body.

Some people think that drinking cold water burns more calories, because it makes the digestive system to work harder. It is true but there are a lot of easier ways for burning calories than to do this by drinking cold water which is more difficult for our body.

What happens to your body when you drink water on room temperature or warmer:
– Increases and fastens hydration of the body
– Makes food easily to break down
– Drinking warm water with a lemon in the morning is very healthy because this makes your bowels work better
– Stimulates natural digestive enzymes and improve your digestion

Just try to drink warm water and the results will be visible. You will notice dramatic improvement in the way your body feels when you are eating and after that and also dramatic improvement in your digestion. Some of the people said they also noticed a reduction in sugar cravings.

So, next time you go to a restaurant, tell your waiter “just water, no ice”!

7 Sure Signs it’s Lust Not Love

Certainly, they ignite fire within you and you cannot breathe for the passion that keeps you up at night, but is that what it is? Passion? Love? Or instead, just one of the baser emotions? Could it possibly be lust?

I suppose, for me, the first clue should have been during our time together when he said that, “You don’t have to like the other person to want them.” Or perhaps later when he indicated that he is looking for something better, and someone more ‘marriageable’ in his eyes.

A relationship based on lust is great if you know what you are getting yourself into and do it with your eyes wide open, for a good romp in the hay. But what’s important is that you don’t delude yourself. Here are 7 signs that what you share is lust, and not love.

1. You’re dressed to impress

You are always looking your best with them. You eyebrows are waxed, you are invariably dressed to advantage, and your Brazilian is immaculate. Whether you’re a man or a woman, the point is that you take particular care in your appearance each time you meet them. In a relationship that is based on more than just the superficial, you and your partner wouldn’t care if your hair wasn’t perfect some day because your relationship is much more than all that lies outside.

2. A dearth of meaningful conversations

“Love is friendship that has caught on fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”

-Ann Landers

When you’re in love, and I mean well and truly in love, you are comfortable with your partner and all that they are. Which means you are also comfortable talking about most things with them. Your partner is your friend, unlike lust, in which case friendship and the meaningful conversations that come with it are lacking. Conversations making up your problems, your hopes, your dreams, and your life in general are missing from your interactions.

3. They look like sin

In a relationship based on lust alone, your partner most likely appears to be a version of Adonis/Aphrodite. And you’re oft left thinking that nature has bestowed an inordinate amount of beauty on this individual. You cannot stop thinking of their looks and believe them to be perfect, when the reality is that they are far from it. In love, you see past a person’s imperfections to the beauty and kindness within. There is passion, but it isn’t based solely on their looks, rather it is derived from the love you two share.

4. Your time is spent tumbling

This, I draw purely from experience. Although I do not lay claim to it being unique to me and my former situation. Feel free to relate to it.

So, you decide to watch a movie together. But instead of opting for one that is playing at your nearest cinemas, you choose to watch an oldie at his/her place. Sounds cute and somewhat romantic right? Sure, if you do end up watching the entire movie. And that is because in reality, you could care less about the movie and spend the greater portion of the time hitting the home run. And that is just what happens when your relationship is based on lust, and not love. You spend virtually all your time with each other having sex. Indeed, sex is a wonderful way to express your feelings for one another, but it shouldn’t be the only one.

5. You don’t connect on an emotional level

Your communication is stunted. You don’t identify your feelings or discuss them, and neither does he/she. You don’t lead to discussions pertaining to how he/she makes you feel or vice versa. Frankly, feelings don’t come into it, unless they are about sex.

When you connect with someone on an emotional level, you draw comfort from silence. You aren’t bothered by lying on your sides and gazing into each other’s eyes till 4 in the morning (oh, trust me, it’s quite the novelty at the outset of love). But the fact that silences are awkward, and your communication is based solely on sex and which bit you enjoyed most should be a neon sign screaming it’s pure lust.

6. Your memories are associated with the bedroom alone

Each time you think of the moments you’ve spent with him/her, you don’t think of the movie you watched or the meal you shared, or the walks you took. Instead your thoughts are instantly routed towards all the titillating moments you spent in each other’s company…only. And those memories alone stand out in your mind each time you think of him/her.

7. No plans for the future

You speak of how good it is. How much you want each other. Of your desire for the other one. What you want out of your next ‘date’. But one thing you haven’t imagined doing is spending a lifetime with them. If the thought of marriage, children, join accounts, shared sleepless nights changing diapers, vacations taken together amongst several others of a similar nature come to your mind over time when you think of them, then you can be assured that this is perhaps more than just pure lust. But if the future never comes into it, ever, then the nature of your relationship need not be spelt out for you.

10 reasons why you should be having $ex on a regular basis

As a marriage counselor in Denver, CO, I see a lot of couples who come to me because of difficulties in the bedroom. In fact, it’s one of the more common reasons couples come to counseling. Unfortunately, a lot of couples fight about s.ex without realizing the great things it can do for your relationship (and for you personally). There are lots of other good reasons to be having se.x often. Here are ten:
1. Se.x is a metaphor for the rest of your relationship

When a couple is having a good relationship they’re usually having a good se.x life, too. And the reciprocal is true as well. That is, if they’re struggling in the bedroom, they’re usually struggling in their relationship. The bedroom and your relationship are inseparably connected. So connecting in the bedroom as often as you can will force you to connect outside the bedroom more often, too.

2. It’s better than browsing Facebook

Think of all the time you spend browsing Facebook at night. Sure, it’s nice to catch up with old friends and see what everyone’s up to. But when you think about it, no one is more important than your spouse. And even though you may see silly videos of pets or cute videos of other peoples’ kids, you can’t emotionally connect on facebook as much as you can with your partner in the bedroom.

3. It’s good for your health

It’s true. Several studies show that se.x has many health benefits. For example, se.x increases your heart rate, burns calories, helps you sleep better and is even associated with less stress. Not to mention that it promotes a stronger immune system and may even help you live longer.

4. It brings you closer together

S.ex is the one thing that sets you and your spouse apart from being roommates. And it’s the only thing you share uniquely with each other that you don’t share with anyone else. Because of that, it becomes a unique way for you and your spouse to express romance, love and passion to each other in ways you can’t express anywhere (or with anyone) else.

5. It’s like going on a date — at home

If you have kids, you know how hard it is to go out. You have to find a babysitter, find a place to go that you both like and then be back in time to get your babysitter home. And even when you do go out, there’s no promise that you’re going to like the movie or the restaraunt that you end up going to. But having se.x often is like going out on dates that you’re sure to like. And you don’t even have to leave the comfort of your own home. Plus, because you don’t have to leave the house you can do it as often as you like — without having to find a babysitter.

6. It forces you to communicate

In addition to being a lot of fun, s.ex is an exercise in communication. During se.x, you’re regularly communicating to your partner about what you like, what you don’t like or what you want them to do. There’s nothing more intimate and vulnerable than the communications you’re having inside the bedroom. And the benefits this has outside the bedroom are great as well.

7. It’s fun

Sure, it might be fun to watch one of your favorite shows before you go to bed. But making love to your spouse is a lot more fun.

8. The big “O”

During orgasm, a neurotransmitter called oxytocin gets released into certain parts of your brain. And scientists are finding that oxytocin is one of the key ingredients for humans to form love, trust, bonds and reduce fear. It’s also one of the reasons that orgams feel so pleasurable.

9. It helps you grow as a person

In an healthy intimate relationship, you have to be comfortable with yourself. If you’re embarassed abour your appearance or shy about asking for what you want, the bedroom can help you overcome these difficulties.

10. It helps you feel like more like a man/woman

As a woman, it’s hard to feel feminine when a good chunk of your day is spent wiping boogers and making sure toothpaste splatter is cleaned off the mirrors. And as a man, it’s hard to feel masculine when you’re being a chauffeur and servant to your kids. S.ex helps you feel like you. It reminds you of your femininity and masculinity. And it reminds you of your unique relationship with each other.

Warning Signs You May Have Bacterial Vaginosis

Symptoms of Bacterial Vaginosis

Some women have bacterial vaginosis and don’t have any symptoms. But when symptoms do appear, they may include:

Vaginal discharge that may be white or gray in color
Discharge with a strong, foul odor
Vaginal odor that is particularly strong, with a fishy smell after s.ex
Vaginal itchiness
Painful or burning urination
Bacterial Vaginosis Risk Factors and Complications

Having se.x with someone who has bacterial vaginosis, as well as having multiple se.x partners or new s.ex partners, can put you at risk for the infection, says Shuford. Douching can also increase the risk, as it disrupts the balance of bacteria in the vagin.a.

The complications and health risks of bacterial vaginosis can be serious if the infection isn’t treated. Untreated vaginosis can lead to:

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). PID is an inflammation of the female reproductive system, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, and even the ovaries. Shuford notes that PID can lead to a number of complications, including infertility and ectopic pregnancy.
Pregnancy complications. Pregnant women with bacterial vaginosis may be at a higher risk for having low birth-weight babies, says Shuford, as well as premature rupture of the membranes (your water breaks too early).
Greater risk of other se.xually transmitted infection. Women who have bacterial vaginosis are at greater risk of getting HIV, gonorrhea, and chlamydia.
Increased risk of infection. Women who have bacterial vaginosis may be more likely to develop an infection after surgeries affecting the reproductive system, such as a hysterectomy or abortion.
Bacterial Vaginosis: Screening, Treatment, and Prevention

Bacterial vaginosis is easily diagnosed using a sample of vagina.l fluid, and is treated with a simple round of antibiotics. Antibiotics may be given orally, or in the form of a topical cream or ointment inserted in the vagin.a, notes Shuford.

Bacterial vaginosis can recur, even after antibiotic treatment. It’s important to make sure you take all of the antibiotics as prescribed. And while it can’t always be prevented, you can reduce your risk of bacterial vaginosis and of spreading the infection by being in a monogamous relationship, as well as by using c.ondoms. Avoid douching to help keep bacteria balanced in the vagin.a and reduce the risk of bacterial vaginosis.

Good hygiene can help prevent bacterial vaginosis. Wash the and vagin.a every day, and wip from front to back after urination or defecation. Wear cotton underwear and pants that fit loosely in the c.rotch to allow air flow and prevent moist conditions that can encourage infection.

Bacterial vaginosis is a very common infection, but some simple preventive steps can help reduce your risk. And women who do experience symptoms should remember to seek treatment right away to prevent unnecessary health problems caused by untreated bacterial vaginosis.


The 5 Warning Signs of Breast Cancer You Shouldn’t Ignore

B.reast cancer is one of the most common form of the disease in the world that affects both men and women. The chances of getting the disease increase as you age, but detecting it at an early age could be life saving. In this post I am going to discuss signs and symptoms of b.reast cancer that many people overlook.

The majority of b.reast cancer cases are diagnosed in people who are aged 40 and up, but in the instances where it affects younger people it tends to be more aggressive. This makes early detection an essential part of treating the disease within its onset stages.

It’s important to have a firm grasp of bodily knowledge, as the earliest stages of br.east cancer usually come without pain. The most common indicator is the discovery of a lump, but cancer goes through multiple progressive stages before these lumps form. It sometimes takes years. People shouldn’t rely solely on lumps to indicate b.reast cancer, as they usually indicate an already thriving disease.

There are several signs that the American Cancer Society claim should be analyzed closely by a specialist. It is important to remember that these signs aren’t definitive proof of existing br.east cancer. They can sometimes indicate smaller hormonal or health factors, so visiting an expert can clear any ambiguity. Some of the more obvious signs are:

Change in b.reast structure
Appearance of lumps
Changes in the skin or n.ipple
Here are a few of the sneakier br.east cancer indicators that many people overlook:

1. Itching, redness and pain

It’s common for b.reasts to be sore and sensitive during menstruation, but this symptom could mean something more serious if the sensitivity persists after the period. There may also be swelling involved with skin that is warm to the touch, indicating the less common (about 3% of cases) forms of inflammatory b.reast cancer.

Inflammatory cancer may also cause swelling, itching and pain in the chest. The skin may look scaly or have small blue marks similar to hemorrhages, somewhat like cellulite holes on the b.reast. Some women misunderstand the symptom for an allergic reaction on their b.reasts that refused to leave after several days. It’s important to know that this form of cancer is characterized by a rapid development, which blocks the blood vessels feeding the skin to cause redness, warmth and sensitivity.

2. Back pain

Patients typically feel back pain in the upper back between the shoulder blades before any other sign of b.reast cancer reveals itself. The discomfort is usually attributed with muscle pain, inflammation of the spine or stretching the tendon and ligaments in the back. It’s important to know that tumors will sometimes develop deep within the b.reast tissue of the chest and felt in the spine or ribcage. There is also the possibility of metasis, a malignant spreading of the disease to the ribs or spine.

3. Pain and tenderness in the armpit

According to studies, the first place b.reast cancer spreads to is the axillary lymph nodes. The axillary lymph nodes indicate b.reast cancer in the same way the lymph nodes in the neck and throat indicate a flu, making the axillaries an essential place for onset discovery. Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit or pain and tenderness could indicate the presence of a tumor before it becomes noticeable in the b.reast. Any pain or discomfort in the armpit is something that should definitely be tested.

First the person testing should compare it to their other armpit. If the difference is persistently evident, it’s worth consulting an expert. There is sometimes a hard lump that appears in the armpit and tissue surrounding it that won’t move when touched. There may also be tissue that is thicker and dense when compared with the other armpit. A sore spot could indicate many things that aren’t a tumor. It never hurts to be safe and get a medical evaluation, however, as the underarm tissue does have a close connection to br.east tissue.

4. Nipple discharge or changes

One of the most common locations of br.east cancer is beneath the nipple. The presence of a cancerous lesion may cause changes in appearance and sensitivity. Different texture, color and shape might occur. The nipple may also feel much more tender and have an unusual texture. Some women describe a lack of sensitivity within the nipple, especially during intimate relations.

A discharge of clear liquid, blood, or milk that doesn’t happen during br.east feeding might also be a sign of br.east cancer. This happens when a tumor forms in the milk duct on the nipple or behind it. When this happens the skin jostles to one side, allowing the tumor to cause irritation and inflammation that results in an unusual discharge from the nipple. Medical evaluation and followups are needed for early detection, but it is important to remember that many tumors are harmless.

5. Changing shape from a circle to oval

Many women around the world believe that an easily visible and touchable lump close to the surface of the skin is a sign of a b.reast tumor. Far less women, however, report the fact that one br.east has taken on an elliptical shape while the other remains normal. Other women have reported the progression of b.reast tissue on one side of the b.reast, looking uneven. Some women notice a change in appearance and feel when they put a bra on. Many times it’s the spouse that notices these physical indicators instead of the patient.

The best way to detect the changes that aren’t associated with pain or strange sensations is by learning about the appearance and size of your b.reasts. Br.east cancer organizations recommend that you sit in front of a mirror and examine the structure of the b..reast. Use your hands to lift the b.reast and check the variability of skin stretching on both sides.

Don’t forget to do this often to make sure you don’t miss any sudden changes in appearance. Any of these symptoms should be analyzed by a medical professional for a conclusive verdict. If not professionally examined you’ll be left in a worrying state of uncertainty. Hopefully everything is fine, but even if it isn’t, detecting br.east cancer in the earlier stages could very well make your chances for survival exponentially better.
